New Minister
Welcome to Anita Rowland who will be our new minister. Anita did the service last week and will be with us on Oct. 25. Janet Ryzebol will be doing the service on Nov. 01 and then Anita returns on Nov. 8
New Minister
Welcome to Anita Rowland who will be our new minister. Anita did the service last week and will be with us on Oct. 25. Janet Ryzebol will be doing the service on Nov. 01 and then Anita returns on Nov. 8
Sun. April 22, 2018
The ladies will do the church service as Anita is away. It will be great to be back at church after everything was closed last Sun. due to the storm.
Mon. Feb. 25
Ham & Scallop Potato Dinner @ 4:30 — 7:00 pm
Adults: $15.00
Children 6-12yrs: $5.00
Pre-schoolers: FREE
Everyone is welcome. Come & visit with friends, family & make new friends.
Thurs. Dec. 24 @ 7 pm
August Services: – There will not be services in the month of August. This is a great opportunity to visit other churches & congregations.
August 11: -non-denominational church service in Shelburne @ the Shelburne Arena @ 10 – 11:30 am featuring ‘The Barrel Boys’.
Monticello UCW meets on Thurs. Feb. 14, 2019. Hostess & refreshments: – Audrey. Roll Call: – Valentine – Love. Worship: Nancy
Sunday, Nov. 17, 2019
Mission Sunday during regular service @ 10:00am