Regular Services are on hold for the month of August 2022.

Regular services will resume on Sunday, Sept. 4th @ 10:00 am and will be followed by a social time & ice cream.

Sunday, Sept. 18th @ 2 pm—the Memorial/ 139th Anniversary Service will commence at 2 pm.

Meat Pies

Monticello UCW will be making chicken meat pis on Thurs. Nov. 11, 2021. The cost is $5.00/pie. We will be taking orders until Sun. Nov. 31. To place orders please call any UCW member or Nancy @ 519-925-5000. (can leave a message). This is the main fundraising event of the year &


Hi everyone,
As we know, due to Covid 19 Ont. lockdown on April 3, 2021, Monticello United Church will remain closed until further notice.
Hope you all have a safe, healthy, happy Easter.
Remember to phone, email, or text someone. It is a safe,